
The chapter Devoxx4Kids Caribbean follows the Manifesto of the global Devoxx4Kids.

You may read the official global Devoxx4Kids Manifesto (english) below. We have also provided a translated version in Papiamentu for the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao.

To the spanish and french speaking countries in the Caribbean, please excuse us as we have no translation yet in spanish and french language. We hope to get more volunteers from spanish and french speaking islands, so we can close this gap in short term. Want to volunteer;-) ? Please contact Devoxx Caribbean team.


The Devoxx4Kids Manifesto

  1. Goals and Missions
    1. Teach children Computer Programming while having fun and introduce them to concepts of robotics, electronics and generally being creative with these kind of devices.
    2. Inspire not only children but also the classical education system, so they too can start including computer science in their curriculum.
    3. Demystify programming for girls and introduce them to computer science in order to improve gender equality in that field.
  2. Event organization
    1. Events are organized for ALL children. Boys, girls, poor, rich, with disabilities (support of parents required) etc..
      No discrimination allowed !
    2. Devoxx4Kids events needs to be notified to the Devoxx4Kids steering team (Contact us) so they can get promoted through official Devoxx4Kids channels.
    3. Comply with local legislation
      1. The organizer must comply with local legislation when organizing an event and taking pictures, videos or any other media of children
    4. Liabilities
      1. Every organizer is responsible for subscribing to necessary insurances when organizing Devoxx4Kids events and is the only liable entity for such events.
      2. The Devoxx4Kids global organization is waived, released, and discharged from any and all liability.
    5. Parent or legal responsible person approval
      1. If photo, video, film or any other media are taken during the event, the organizer must get official approval from children parents or legal responsible persons.
      2. The only valid approval document, to be signed by children legal responsible persons, is the one available on the web site at the following location:
        1. Adaptation can be done based on local legislation but must be sent to the Devoxx4Kids steering team for acknowledgement.
  3. Material
    1. All material used in the workshop must be shared at
      1. When sharing materials, the Devoxx4Kids Presentation template must be used.
    2. Any material used from the github repo must be attributed to Devoxx4Kids.
    3. All material must be created with Creative Commons 4.0 license with the following attributes
      1. Shareable: You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor.
      2. Non-commercial: The licensor permits others to copy, distribute and transmit the work. In return, licensees may not use the work for commercial purposes — unless they get the licensor’s permission.
      3. Share Alike: The licensor permits others to distribute derivative works only under the same license or one compatible with the one that governs the licensor’s work.
    4. Use Creative Common License in the material.
    5. Author of the material owns the copyright and may use it for commercial purpose, such as authoring a book or preparing a paid video course.
  4. Money
    1. Donation
      1. Receipts are only provided for cash donations, none for time/material/hosting.
    2. If local chapter decides to charge for the workshop, then $10 or 10 € per workshop/kid is a reasonable amount. The amount may vary slightly based upon local country/city chapters. Its encouraged to use that money to print t-shirts, cover snacks, hosting costs, etc.
    3. Speakers, Trainers, supporting people or any other adults being involved in the event must NOT receive any money/payment for their event involvement. Volunteering is the leitmotif of the Devoxx4Kids worldwide initiative. Reimbursement of expenses is accepted based on receipts.
  5. The steering team (Contact Us)
    1. Tasha Carl
    2. Daniel De Luca
    3. Arun Gupta
    4. Stephan Janssen



E Manifesto Devoxx4Kids (Papiamentu translation)

  1. Ophetivonan i Mishonnan
    1. Siña muchanan Programashon di Kompüter miéntras ku tin plaser i introdusí na nan konseptonan di robotics, elektronika i en general ser ta kreativo ku e tipo di aparatonan aki.
    2. No solamente inspirá muchanan, pero tambe sistema edukashonal klásiko di tal forma ku nan mes por start di inkluí siensia di kompüter den nan kuríkulo.
    3. Dismitifiká programashon pa mucha muher i introdusí nan na siensia di kompüter pa por mehorá igualdad di género den e area konserní.
  2. Organisashon di evento
    1. Eventonan ta organisá pa TUR muchanan. Mucha hombernan, mucha muhernan, pober, riku, ku desabilidadnan (guia di mayornan ta rekerí) etc..
      Diskriminashon no ta permití !
    2. Eventos di Devoxx4Kids mester wordu notifká na e gupo di guia Devoxx4Kids (steering team) (Hasi kontakto ku nos) di tal forma nan por promové Devoxx4Kids via en kanalnan ofisial.
    3. Kumpli ku legislashon lokal
      1. E organisador mester kumpli ku legislashon lokal ora ku un evento ta wordu organisá i ora un potrèt, video òf otro tipo di media di mucha ta wordu saká.
    4. Responsabilidadnan
      1. Kada organisador ta responsabel pa suskribí pa seguronan nesesario ora ku eventonan di Devox4Kids ta wordu organisá i  ta e uniko entidad responsabel pa e tipo di eventonan.
      2. E organisashon global di Devoxx4Kids ta renunsiá, liberá i deskargá di tur kwalke i tur responsabilidad.
    5. Parent or legal responsible person approval
      1. Si potrèt, video, film òf kwalke otro media ta wordu tumá durante un evento, e organisador mester risibi aprobashon ofisial di mayornan di e muchanan òf di personanan legalmente responsabel.
      2. E uniko aprobashon valido di dokumento, ku ta wordu firmá dor di e persona legalmente responsabel pa e mucha(nan), ta esun disponibel riba e websait na e siguiente lokalidat:
        1. Adaptashon por wordu hasí basá riba legislashon lokal pero mester wordu mandá na e grupo di guia Devoxx4Kids (steering team) pa rekonosementu.
  3. Material
    1. Tur material usá den e tayer (workshop) mester wordu kompartí na
      1. Ora ku material wordu kompartí, e Devoxx4Kids Presentation template mester wordu usá.
    2. Kwalke material ku wordu usá for di e repo (repositorio) github mester wordu atribuí na Devoxx4Kids.
    3. Tur material mester ta wordu kreá ku lisensia Creative Commons 4.0 ku e siguiente atributonan
      1. Shareable: Bo mester atribuí e trabou den e forma spesifiká dor di e outor òf lisensiador.
      2. Non-commercial: E lisensiador ta permiti otro pa kopia, distribuí i transmití e trabou. A kambio, e personan òf entitdadnan ku ta risibi e lisensia no mag di usa e trabou pa proposito komersial — a no sea ku nan ta risibí permit di e lisensiador.
      3. Share Alike: E lisensiador ta permiti otro pa distrubuí trabou derivá solamente bou di e mes un lisensia òf un kompatibel ku esun ku ta goberná e trabou di e lisensiador.
    4. Usa Creative Common License den e material.
    5. Outor di e material ta poseé e copyright i por usa e pa proposito komersial, manera bira outor di un buki òf prepará un kurso di video pagabel.
  4. Sèn
    1. Donashon
      1. Entrega ta wordu suminstrá pa donashon basá riba kèsh, nada pa tempu/material/hosting.
    2. Si e chapter lokal desidí di kobra pa tayer (workshop), USD 10 òf EUR 10 pa tayer/mucha ta un montante rasonabel. E montante tin mag di varia ligeramente di akuerdo ku e chapternan di país/siudad lokal. Ta wordu enkurashá pa usa e montante di sèn ey pa print t-shirts, kubri gastu di snacks, hosting etc.
    3. Oradornan, Trainernan, hendenan apoyando òf otro adultonan ku ta involví den e evento NO mester risibí ningun sèn/pago pa nan involvimentu di evento. Ofresendo komo voluntario ta e leitmotif (leading motif/motivashon prinsipal) di e inisiativa mundial di Devoxx4Kids. Kompensashon di gastunan ta wordu akseptá basá riba resibu.
  5. E grupo di guia  (Hasi kontakto ku nos)
    1. Tasha Carl
    2. Daniel De Luca
    3. Arun Gupta
    4. Stephan Janssen