Devoxx France 2015 Devoxx4Kids in Paris

On April 11 2015, after a successful Devoxx France conference, the Devoxx4Kids Team organized the Devoxx France Devoxx4Kids Event in Paris.

50 children attended it (amongst them, 38% were girls). They enjoyed programming Electronics (Arduino), Robotics (Thymio, Lego MindStorms, NAO) and games (Scratch, Minecraft).

Pictures and video are available here.

The event was hosted at the famous Ecole 42, a private French computer programming school where the trainings are inspired by new modern ways to teach which include peer-to-peer pedagogy.
What a perfect inspirational place for our Devoxx4Kids children!

Many thanks to all the volunteers who dedicated their free time in the preparation and the event itself.

Children and parents were very enthusiastic and not stingy with compliments at the end of the day.

As we say every time; “See you next year for another amazing event”.

Listen to “Les Cast Codeurs” Podcast live from Devoxx4Kids Paris 2015.

About Daniel De Luca

Worldwide manager of the Devoxx4Kids Initiative, co-organizer of Devoxx4Kids in Belgium, Steering member of Devoxx (BE), Steering Member of BeJUG, JavaSE/EE Developer, Architect, Freelance. @danieldeluca