
Devoxx France 2016 : Introducing children to programming one workshop at a time

During the latest Devoxx France (2016), the Devoxx4Kids France team and myself presented a session related to “Introducing children to programming, one workshop at a time”. There, we tried a new concept: the “Presentation 2.0” where Pepper, a humanoid robot from Aldebaran Robotics, did present, by itself, the Devoxx4Kids initiative to the […]

Devoxx France 2015 Devoxx4Kids in Paris

On April 11 2015, after a successful Devoxx France conference, the Devoxx4Kids Team organized the Devoxx France Devoxx4Kids Event in Paris. 50 children attended it (amongst them, 38% were girls). They enjoyed programming Electronics (Arduino), Robotics (Thymio, Lego MindStorms, NAO) and games (Scratch, Minecraft). Pictures and video are available here. […]

FranceLive.FR interview of Thierry Leboucq

Thierry Leboucq, head of Green Lab Center in Nantes (France) and also part of the French Devoxx4Kids Team in Nantes, explains why it is important to teach programming concepts to children. A TV Interview of FranceLive.FR [iframe width=”65%” height=”350″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]

Devoxx4Kids went to Devoxx France 2014

Devoxx4Kids at Devoxx France 2014 Last week, the Belgian Devoxx4Kids team went to Devoxx France in Paris to organize a special Devoxx4Kids event for the Devoxx France attendees’ children. The Devoxx4Kids Belgian Team at Devoxx France 2014 Children were then the ones of professional software programmers. What a great opportunity […]