
Children learn to code.

After a successful Devoxx4Kids Paris 2017, InfoQ FR took the time to interview Audrey Neveu (@Audrey_Neveu) and Xavier Bourguignon (@xbourguignon). The interview (in French) is about teaching programming to younger generation, the Devoxx4Kids France origins, the available workshops, the role of parents, etc. The interview is available here:

Devoxx France 2015 Devoxx4Kids in Paris

On April 11 2015, after a successful Devoxx France conference, the Devoxx4Kids Team organized the Devoxx France Devoxx4Kids Event in Paris. 50 children attended it (amongst them, 38% were girls). They enjoyed programming Electronics (Arduino), Robotics (Thymio, Lego MindStorms, NAO) and games (Scratch, Minecraft). Pictures and video are available here. […]