Introduction Video
Introduction video to be used when creating a new Devoxx4Kids video.
Many thanks to the E-Artsup Nantes students for this great creation.
Presentation Template
Existing Presentations
- Devoxx4Kids-Presentation.pptx
- Devoxx4Kids-Presentation.pdf
- Devoxx4Kids Channel on Parleys
- Devoxx France 2014
- JavaOne 2013 Conference
- Java Days 2015
NAO Robot Presenting Devoxx4Kids
- NAO_Talks_About_Devoxx4Kids_EN.pptx
- NAO_Talks_About_Devoxx4Kids_EN.crg (Choregraphe Project)
Devoxx4Kids Initiative introduction documents
French | Devoxx4Kids-introduction-Presentation-FR.docxDevoxx4Kids-introduction-Presentation-FR.pdf |