
Children learn to code.

After a successful Devoxx4Kids Paris 2017, InfoQ FR took the time to interview Audrey Neveu (@Audrey_Neveu) and Xavier Bourguignon (@xbourguignon). The interview (in French) is about teaching programming to younger generation, the Devoxx4Kids France origins, the available workshops, the role of parents, etc. The interview is available here:

Devoxx France 2016 : Introducing children to programming one workshop at a time

During the latest Devoxx France (2016), the Devoxx4Kids France team and myself presented a session related to “Introducing children to programming, one workshop at a time”. There, we tried a new concept: the “Presentation 2.0” where Pepper, a humanoid robot from Aldebaran Robotics, did present, by itself, the Devoxx4Kids initiative to the […]

Volunteer Bob Paulin Turns Kids on to Tech with Devoxx4Kids

You can call Bob Paulin ‘Coach’ and he’ll probably respond, because he’s been coaching youth football since 2005. Now he’s also coaching children in the computer programming world as the Chicagoland organizer of Bob has been interviewed by Slashdot where he explains what is Devoxx4Kids, how everything started and […]

Devoxx France 2015 Devoxx4Kids in Paris

On April 11 2015, after a successful Devoxx France conference, the Devoxx4Kids Team organized the Devoxx France Devoxx4Kids Event in Paris. 50 children attended it (amongst them, 38% were girls). They enjoyed programming Electronics (Arduino), Robotics (Thymio, Lego MindStorms, NAO) and games (Scratch, Minecraft). Pictures and video are available here. […]

FranceLive.FR interview of Thierry Leboucq

Thierry Leboucq, head of Green Lab Center in Nantes (France) and also part of the French Devoxx4Kids Team in Nantes, explains why it is important to teach programming concepts to children. A TV Interview of FranceLive.FR [iframe width=”65%” height=”350″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]

First time NAO workshop creator: Lessons learned

Nicolas Rigaud (@wtfirl), Developers Community Manager at Aldebaran, blogged about his learned lessons while creating and teaching NAO programming workshop to children. Nicolas has been, since the beginning of Devoxx4Kids, a great supporter. Read more here :