Devoxx France 2016 : Introducing children to programming one workshop at a time

During the latest Devoxx France (2016), the Devoxx4Kids France team and myself presented a session related to “Introducing children to programming, one workshop at a time”.
There, we tried a new concept: the “Presentation 2.0” where Pepper, a humanoid robot from Aldebaran Robotics, did present, by itself, the Devoxx4Kids initiative to the audience.

The team presented some of the workshops that we use during Devoxx4Kids events and that were prepared for the Devoxx4Kids Paris 2016. Event that was going to happen on the Saturday after the Devoxx France Conference.

We were all surprised to have a crowded room during this session, what a rewarding recognition for the work done by all the teams worldwide.

This is clearly showing us the interest of the developer community in making sure that the next generation is capable of not just consuming technologies but also producing with technologies. This did made us, the Devoxx4Kids family, convinced that we’re moving towards the right direction.

I would like here to thanks all the Devoxx France team, the Devoxx4Kids France team, our Sponsors and all the people that are helping us in making this great adventure a reality.



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About Daniel De Luca

Worldwide manager of the Devoxx4Kids Initiative, co-organizer of Devoxx4Kids in Belgium, Steering member of Devoxx (BE), Steering Member of BeJUG, JavaSE/EE Developer, Architect, Freelance. @danieldeluca