Welcome to Devoxx4Kids USA!

What do we do ?

Devoxx4Kids USA is a non-profit and 501(c)(3) registered organization. Our goal is to get kids excited about technology with the hope that many of them will become producers of technology in future. We conduct variety of hands-on workshops where children build computer games, program robots, build circuits, program microcontrollers etc. and have fun. We want them to experience and then explore technology.

We have chapters in San Francisco Bay AreaDenver, Atlanta (coming soon), and Portland (coming soon). We offer a variety of workshops from Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Python, Minecraft modding, LEGO, Scratch and much more. These fun workshops are very entertaining, enriching, and inspirational for kids.

Our Toys, Tools, and Playground

 raspberrypi-logo greenfoot-logo minecraft-logomindstorms-logo
python-logoarduino-logogemalto-board coder-logo


If you wonder what would a Devoxx4Kids event look like then pictures are worth a thousand words.


Photo albums from all previous events are at www.meetup.com/Devoxx4Kids-BayArea/photos/.

And a video is worth a thousand pictures:

And another one:


Engage with us

Attend a workshop ? Register on local meetup (San Francisco Bay Area and Denver)

Deliver/Request a workshop ? Post a message to devoxx4kids-volunteers@googlegroups.com.

Donate We are a Non Profit Organization (NPO) and 501(c)(3) registered. Your donation money helps us deliver more workshops and reach out to underprivileged kids. Donate now!

Sponsor or Host an event in your community, school district, corporate event? More details here.

Start a local chapter in USA ? It requires time and commitment, but is a very rewarding and exciting experience. This provide some details on what it takes to run a local chapter. Send an email to info@devoxx4kids.org for more details.

Stay connected with us